Power Loss Resume Function for Klipper
- The power loss resume function for Klipper refers to the ability of Klipper to automatically recover its printing status after being powered off and then powered on again.
- This feature requires the use of a safety shutdown module.
- It is not suitable for models where the Z-axis will move when there is a power failure.
Configuration File plr.cfg
In the printer configuration page, click "New Configuration" and create a
file. -
The content of the configuration file is as follows:
# power_pin: PA0 # Shutdown pin of the safety shutdown module, connected to PA0 on the lower machine
power_pin: host:gpiochip1/gpio21 # Shutdown pin of the safety shutdown module, connected to PA21 on the upper machine
is_shutdown: True # Whether to execute a shutdown operation, defaults to enabled
# G-code to be executed before resuming printing
# All parameters saved before the power failure can be accessed through {PLR}
# Use M118 {PLR} to output all available parameters
M118 Starting resume print: {PLR.print_stats.filename}
M118 Interruption position: X:[{PLR.POS_X}] Y:[{PLR.POS_Y}] Z:[{PLR.POS_Z}] E:[{PLR.POS_E}]
M140 S{PLR.bed.target} ; Set bed temperature
M104 S{PLR.extruder.target-10} ; Set extruder temperature
M109 S{PLR.extruder.target-10} ; Wait for the extruder to heat up to the set temperature
G91 ; Relative coordinates
G1 Z2 F100 ; Raise Z, prepare for X,Y zeroing
G90 ; Absolute coordinates
G28 X Y ; Zero XY
M140 S{PLR.bed.target} ; Set bed temperature
M104 S{PLR.extruder.target} ; Set extruder temperature
M190 S{PLR.bed.target} ; Wait for the bed to heat up to the set temperature
M109 S{PLR.extruder.target} ; Wait for the extruder to heat up to the set temperature
M83 ; Relative extrusion
# G1 E0.5 F400 ; Extrude a bit
layer_count: 2 # Resume printing after specified number of layers and execute layer_change_gcode
# G-code to be executed after resuming {layer_count} layers
M118 Resuming print speed
M106 S{PLR.fan_speed} ; Turn on the part cooling fan
M220 S{PLR.move_speed_percent} ; Set requested speed percentage
M221 S{PLR.extrude_speed_percent} ; Set requested extrude speed percentage
# G-code to be executed before shutdown
M118 Low power supply voltage, shutting down
# M112 ; Emergency stopNote- The macro in the
above may need to be modified according to the actual machine conditions.
- The macro in the
Save the above configuration file.
Open the
file and add the following content at the beginning of the file:
[include plr.cfg] -
Click "Save" at the top right and restart.
At this point, the power loss resume function for Klipper has been configured.
- Print any file, and during the print process, click the "Emergency Stop" button to simulate a power failure.
- Then click "Firmware Restart". Wait for Klipper to connect normally.
- If a pop-up prompt appears on the webpage or KlipperScreen, it indicates that the power loss resume function is working properly.
- You can continue to test with real power failures later.