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System Image Burning


  1. Complete the system download on the previous page /docs/DebugDoc/flyos-fast/.

  2. Download the burning tool, this tutorial will use Rufus as an example. You can actually use other tools such as Etcher, Win32 Disk Imager, etc.

  3. Download the system image file, this tutorial will use FlyOS-Fast-H5.exe as an example.

  4. Extract the system image file to get the .img file.

    • Double-click or right-click to open FlyOS-Fast-H5.exe, wait a few seconds and a window will pop up (if the system prompts that it is unsafe, select "More info" -> "Run").
    • You can choose the extraction directory, then click the Extract button, wait for the extraction to complete.
    • After extraction, a FlyOS-Fast-H5-vx.x.x.img file will be generated in the extraction directory. x.x.x is the system version number.
  5. Prepare the burning card.

    • The burning card needs to be larger than 4GB, it is recommended to use a SanDisk 32GB C10 or higher TF card (testing found that many cheap cards cannot start after burning).
    • The burning card needs to be inserted into an SD card reader, insert the burning card into the reader, then insert the reader into the computer.

Burn System

  1. Open Rufus, select the device, the selected device should display capacity consistent with the burning card inserted into the computer.

  2. Select Boot selection type, which defaults to Image file.

  3. Select the image file, click the Select button on the right of Boot selection type, and select the extracted .img file.

  4. After selecting the image file, the Boot selection type will change to the name of the image file.

  5. Click the Start button, if a window pops up prompting that disk data needs to be cleared, click OK.

  6. After burning is complete, the computer will emit a prompt sound, and the progress bar will show Ready.

  7. Do not remove the burning card immediately after burning is complete.

  8. Open File Explorer, check if there is a USB drive or removable disk named FlyOS-Conf.

  9. Open FlyOS-Conf, if the two files shown in the following image exist, it indicates successful burning.

  10. The config.txt file is the system configuration file, please refer to the next page for content. Modify the configuration file.