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System Configuration Modification

  • The settings in the part of the configuration file will only take effect on the first system boot after burning.
  • Therefore, please modify the configuration file config.txt in the removable disk FlyOS-Conf after burning, before inserting the card into the board to start the system.
  • Try not to use the built-in Notepad of Windows to edit the configuration file; you can use VSCode or other professional text editors.
  • It is best not to input Chinese or special characters in the configuration file.
  • After modifying the configuration file, you need to restart the system for the changes to take effect.
  • Do not modify the content below ######### PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING ######### in the configuration file.

How to Modify the Configuration File

Modifying the Configuration File After Burning

  • Configuration items that only take effect on the first boot must be modified by using a professional text editor to open the configuration file config.txt in the removable disk FlyOS-Conf after burning.

Online Configuration Modification While the System is Running

  • If it's a regular configuration item, modifications made through the system web configuration page will take effect after restarting the system.

    • Open the device IP address in the browser, for example:
    • For Fluidd, uncheck as shown on the left below Filter hidden files and folders.
    • For Mainsail, check as shown on the right below Show hidden files.
    • At this point, you can see the .flyos-config folder. Enter this folder to find the sys-config.conf file.
    • The sys-config.conf file is a soft link to the configuration file config.txt in the removable disk FlyOS-Conf.
    • Open the sys-config.conf file, make the necessary modifications, save, and close the file.
    • Note: The format of configuration items in the sys-config.conf file is key=value, do not change it to key: value.
    • After saving the modifications, restart the system for them to take effect.

Configuration Items

Wireless Network Configuration

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
WIFI_SSIDemptyAny WIFI nameWIFI name, if filled, the system will automatically prioritize connecting to this WIFI on startup
WIFI_PASSemptyLeave blank if no passwordWIFI password, if filled, the system will connect to the WIFI using the password

Printer Default Configuration

  • The following configuration items only take effect on the first boot.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
Click to expand detailszh-CN, zh-HK, en, de, cz, es, hu, ja, nl, pt, se, uk, da, fr, it, ko, pl, ru, tr
Set the default language for fluidd and mainsail on the first startup
printer_nameemptyAny stringSet the default printer name for fluidd and mainsail on the first startup

System Configuration

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
consoleserialserial, bothThis configuration item should not be modified, only serial is valid
boardH5: fly-pi-v2
H3: fly-lite2.1
Click to expand H5 seriesfly-pi, fly-pi-v2, fly-gemini-v1, fly-gemini-v2, fly-gemini-v3, fly-c8

Click to expand H3 seriesfly-lite2, fly-lite2.1, fly-minipad
Mainboard model, mainly used for automatic firmware burning, etc.
shutdown_pin_state10, 1Set the level state of the shutdown button
1: Triggered by low level
0: Triggered by high level
shutdown_pinnonePA21, PA4...Set the trigger pin of the shutdown button, default is none indicating it is not enabled
spidevspidev0.0 spidev1.0spidev0.0, spidev0.1, spidev1.0, spidev1.1Set the ports to enable spidev
To enable multiple, separate with spaces

Printer Type Configuration

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
printerklipperklipper, rrfConfigure which service the system starts with
klipper: klipper, moonraker services
rrf: RRF DSF, DWC services

Display Configuration

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
Click to expand H5 seriesnone, hdmi, fly-tft-v1, fly-tft-v2-r, fly-tft-v2-c

Click to expand H3 seriesnone, hdmi, fly-tft-v1, fly-minipad-r, fly-minipad-c, fly-tft-v2-r, fly-tft-v2-c
Set the screen, none to turn off all displays
rotate900, 90, 180, 270Set the rotation angle of FLY-TFT, invalid for HDMI

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
klipper_screen00, 1Set whether to enable KlipperScreen
1: Enable
0: Disable
Valid when printer=klipper
moon2uart00, 1Set whether to enable moon2uart
1: Enable
0: Disable
Valid when printer=klipper
m2u_port/dev/ttyS1Valid serial portSerial port for moon2uart, valid when moon2uart=1
m2u_baud115200Valid baud rateBaud rate for moon2uart, valid when moon2uart=1
klipper_webuifluiddfluidd, mainsailSet the default front-end UI for Klipper
Does not affect the one-click online switching function
Valid when printer=klipper

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
rrf2uart00, 1Temporarily invalid, updates will be provided in future versions

Other Settings

  • The following configuration items take effect every time the system starts.
Configuration ItemDefault ValueUsable ValuesDescription
crowsnest00, 1Set whether to enable Crowsnest
1: Enable
0: Disable
Valid for both Klipper and RRF modes
firmwareemptyValid firmware file pathSet the firmware to auto-burn on startup

  • Do not modify the content below ######### PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING ######### in the configuration file.